What Is Stage 1 Spondylolisthesis?
Meyerding Grading Scale
According to the Meyerding Grading Scale, spondylolisthesis has four stages of severity. The surface of the bone located below the slipped vertebra is divided into four sections. Staging is determined by which section the displaced vertebra rests upon.
Stage 1
Stage 1 is the mildest form of spondylolisthesis. The slipped vertebra rests in the first section of the underlying bone. At this stage, the vertebral slip covers no more than 25 percent of the bone beneath.
Spondylolisthesis at this stage is often asymptomatic. However, symptoms can include lower-back pain, pressure on the back, stiffness, nerve damage or a noticeable arch in the lower back (swayback). Symptoms are more common in the more severe, later stages of the condition.
Treatment is not usually needed for Stage 1 spondylolisthesis unless symptoms present themselves or the condition appears to be progressive. In this case, conservative treatment consisting of stretching, and strengthening exercises are usually employed. In later stages of the condition, spinal surgery is an option.
If you are having symptoms of lower-back pain or any nerve-related symptoms including sciatica, try conservative treatment before anything. Anti-inflammatory medication can be helpful to reduce discomfort, and physical therapy is a great help, if necessary. Always get a second opinion if surgery is recommended. Once spinal surgery is performed, it cannot be undone. Understand the risks and benefits and how they relate to your personal condition before going in that direction.