Weight Machine Exercises for Back Muscles
Visit Your Doctor
If you are suffering severe back pain, meet with your doctor before using any weight machines. Your doctor, perhaps while working with a physical therapist, can draft a weight-training system designed specifically for you.
This is important. Weight training can seriously damage your back if you don't follow the advice of your physician. You might be tempted to lift too much weight too soon. Or maybe you'll try to do too many exercises in one session. Either way, you can increase the amount of back pain you're experiencing if you hit the weight room without a proper plan.
Weight Machine Exercises
Pull-downs are one of the best ways to strengthen the muscles of your lower back. You can perform these by using a pull-down or cable machine, a weight machine that comes with a hanging bar attached to a stack of weights.
From a seated position, pull the bar in front of you down toward your lap, lifting the weights attached to it. Do as many repetitions you feel comfortable attempting. Don't overdo this or any other exercise. Trying to do too much too soon can cause more problems than it solves.
This exercise is of the compound variety, meaning that it works more than one set of muscles. In addition to your back muscles, using a pull-down machine will also strengthen your forearms, deltoids and biceps.
Pull-up machines work the back muscles, too. With these machines, you'll grab onto hand bars and pull yourself in the air. The machine uses your own weight to build the resistance that strengthens your back muscles.
The Roman chair machine is another good option for building your back muscles. This machine features a rounded, padded hump in its middle where users place their hips. Facing forward in the chair, simply lean forward until you feel resistance. Hold your pose for about two seconds, then lean back and start over. Again, do as many repetitions as you can without feeling pain.
Rowing machines are yet another good option for building back muscles. Sit in one of these machines, grab the hand pulleys in front of you and pull back. You'll be working your back muscles immediately. Again, perform as many repetitions as you can. Many rowing machines come with their own computer systems that let you set a predetermined time for your exercise routine. If you're new to these machines, try rowing for 15 minutes and then increasing that time as your back muscles get stronger.
Get Into a Routine
No weight machine will strengthen your back muscles unless you use it on a consistent basis. Many people start a back-strengthening program with the best of intentions, only to abandon their workout routine after a few weeks.
Don't fall into this trap. The key to strengthening muscles is to work at them consistently.
This doesn't mean, though, that you should use weight machines every day. Your muscles need days off to rest. Without proper rest, your muscles won't grow.