Strengthening Exercises for Lower Back Pain
Stretching promotes flexibility and movement. Ideally, stretching should be done on a daily basis and will help to prevent joint stiffness and muscle tension. Lie on the floor on your back. Pull both knees up toward the chest and flex the head toward the knees. Do this gently until a stretch is felt through the lower back. An additional exercise for the lower back that also will promote stretching is to lie on the floor with both feet flat on the ground. Grab one knee and pull it toward the chest. Always keep the back flat on the ground. Never bounce while stretching, as this can be harmful to muscles. Stretches should be held for approximately 20 to 30 seconds.
Strengthening exercises focus on the muscles that support the back and can be a combination of stomach, leg, pelvic and buttocks exercises. The pelvic tilt is a lower-back strengthening exercise that works stomach, leg and lower-back muscles. Lie on the floor, feet flat on the ground and arms next to your sides. Pull your stomach muscles in, which will tilt the pelvis toward the floor. Gently release. The wall sit is a more challenging exercise but will promote a healthy back. Lean against the wall with knees slightly bent and feet about hip-distance apart. Slide down the wall until the knees are bent. Hold for about 10 seconds.
Low-Impact Aerobics
Low-impact aerobics also will promote lower-back strength. Cycling on a stationary bicycle, using an elliptical machine and walking are good exercises for the lower back. Aqua exercise, water walking and swimming are all effective exercises, as are Pilates and yoga.