Shingles & Back Spinal Pain
Shingles is caused by the Herpes zoster virus and is an infection of the nerves that produces sensation or feeling on the skin. Patients who experience an outbreak of shingles have usually had the chicken pox at some point. The virus that causes shingles (Herpes zoster) lies dormant in the body until an outbreak occurs.
Shingles is characterized by an outbreak of small blisters on the skin. These blisters are usually on one side of the body. The back is a common area for a shingles outbreak. In some cases, the patient feels pain in the back for several days before the rash appears. This rash is extremely painful.
In patients who have back pain that occurs with shingles, the pain is caused by an infection along the sensory nerves. This leads to nerve pain, a rash on one side of the back and small crusty blisters. These blisters may continue to break out over the course of several days or a week.
Shingles is usually treated with Zovirax for the infection, topical lotions for the blisters and medication to help control the pain. The length of treatment is determined by the severity of the individual's shingles outbreak.
Shingles outbreaks can be serious if they occur in or around the eyes or on the face. Be sure to contact your doctor if your rash and pain are in these areas or are not relieved by the prescribed medication.