Exercises After Lumbar Spine Fusion
Hamstring stretch
Do stretches to aid mobility. Lay on the floor (on your back) with both legs straight out in front of you. Lift your right leg straight up in the air so that the bottom of your foot is facing the ceiling. If this is painful, work your way up to a straight stretch. To ease pain or stiffness grab the back of your leg with your hands to aid the stretch. While the leg is in the air try pointing your toes toward your body to stretch the back of the leg. Hold this stretch for 10 seconds and repeat on the other side of the body. Repeat three times for each leg. If this is too much, work your way up to three repetitions.
Pelvic Tilts
Perform stabilization exercises to strengthen the core muscles. Lay on the floor with your feet flat on the ground. Place your hands behind your head. With your feet still on the floor bring the hips off the floor slightly and engage your abdominal muscles. Do not lift the hips completely off the ground at first as this may be painful. Do 10 repetitions and rest.
Upper body extension
Exercise the upper back to gain strength throughout the entire back. Lay on your stomach with a pillow under your stomach. Use a pillow that raises you slightly off the floor. Bring both of your hands behind your back. Make sure both of your feet are straight out behind you with the knees slightly bent. Bring your head up slightly so that the back muscles are engaged. While looking at the floor bring one leg up at a time to engage all the back muscles. Repeat this five times each side slowly working your way up to 10 repetitions.