What Are the Treatments for a Vertebral Hemangioma?
Your doctor may recommend an MRI to accurately diagnose your hemangioma. If your doctor suspects you may have a vertebral hemangioma, he will start with a basic X-ray. If this supports his suspicions, he may prescribe a computed tomographic (CT) scan, followed by a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) test to determine the location, size and shape of the hemangioma. All of these tests are non-invasive and safe.
Endovascular Embolization
Endovascular embolization is a treatment that involves a two-day hospital stay. Guided by CT, doctors insert a catheter into the hemangioma and inject a chemical blocking agent to cut off its blood supply to prevent any further trouble from it.
Injection of Absolute Alcohol
Injection of absolute alcohol is also called devascularization. This treatment destroys the hemangioma altogether by dissolving the small capillaries that feed it. More than one treatment may be necessary.
Radiation Therapy
Radiation therapy involves treatment with high-energy rays from outside the body or injection of radioactive material into the body in order to destroy the hemangioma, because it is a benign form of tumor. Studies have found this method to be safe with a low incidence of complications.
If the hemangioma does not respond to less invasive techniques, doctors can perform surgery to kill or remove it. The recovery time is longer, and there is a higher risk of complications, as with any spinal surgery.