Neck & Back Pain Home Remedies
Isolate the Cause
It is much easier to determine which home remedy will work the best if you are aware of what caused the problem. If some particlar physical activity is thought to aggravate or have been the cause of the neck or back strain, cease doing that activity or adjust it so that it does not cause pain. For example, if you wake up with a sore neck, chances are that it was the way that you were sleeping. Adjust the pillow or your position so that there is less chance of it occurring again. When lifting things, bend the knees first to prevent causing more pain to the neck and back regions.
Develop a Pain Treatment Plan
Once the cause of the pain is determined, consider the options for pain relief and incorporate them into the best plan for your particular situation. This could involve alternating remedies for the best results.
Use Ice or Cold Therapy
Applying ice to a painful neck or back can alleviate inflammation that can cause pain. Many things can be used to apply ice, from a bag of frozen vegetables and prepared ice packs to a bag of crushed ice. Place the ice pack under a towel around the neck or on the back for 15 to 20 minutes with a 40-minute break and then repeat treatment. There are also cold packs that do not require the freezer, as well as cold rub formulas.
Apply Heat
At times, heat can sooth a sore neck or back, and applying it alternately with an ice pack can be effective. This can provide pain relief while ensuring that inflammation is not made worse. There are heat wraps available for tense muscles. Heat rubs in the form of ointments can also be soothing.
Exercise and Massage
There are exercises for the neck and back muscles that stretch and strengthen them. Gently tilting the head forward and in circles throughout the day can be effective for pain management. Lying on the floor and pulling each leg toward your chest and holding it can be very helpful in relieving and preventing back pain. Strengthening the core stomach muscles is also a good strategy. Yoga, Pilates and regular stretching can be very effective. Self-massage of the neck and low back area as well as foot reflexology can be soothing and helpful.
Over the Counter Pain Medication
When stretching, exercise, heat and cold therapies are not effective by themselves, there are also simple pain medications available at grocery and drug stores such as aspirin, acetaminophen and special back formulas.