Pilates Exercises to Decrease Low Back Pain
First, Check With Your Doctor
As with all exercise for those with back pain, you should discuss the use of Pilates for strengthening your lower back with your doctor. Pilates exercise is a well-recognized system of exercise therapy, and the Pilates system started out as a program for rehabilitating wounded soldiers coming home from WWII. Your doctor will be able to tell you what limitations to keep in mind for your exercise program.
Schedule a Few Individual Pilates Classes
Instead of a class of one-size-fits-all exercises, start out with some one-on-one sessions with a trained Pilates instructor. He or she will be able to help you choose exercises that most help your condition and will make sure you avoid movements that might make your problem worse. Only after these individual sessions should you take general Pilates classes.
Sample Strengthening Exercise #1
Lie on a towel or mat, knees bent and hip-distance apart. Place thumbs on lower ribs and spread hands across stomach, fingers touching. Take a deep breath. Feel rib cage expand as you inhale. Pull rib cage down and pull stomach in toward spine as you exhale. Repeat six times.
Sample Strengthening Exercise #2
Lie on a towel or mat, knees bent. Place arms along sides on floor. As you inhale, lift pelvis from floor in a rolling movement, pulling your lower back into the floor. Hold. As you exhale, return pelvis to flat position. Repeat six times. Do not use buttocks or legs to lift pelvis up, for this defeats the purpose of the exercise. The pelvis alone should move.
Sample Strengthening Exercise #3
Lie on a towel or mat, knees bent, arms at sides. Inhale. As you exhale, lift one leg and hold in bent-knee position above you. As you inhale again, lift the other leg to the same position. Hold. Exhale and slowly lower the first foot to the floor. As you inhale again, lower the other foot. Exhale to relax. Repeat exercise two times.