Tips on Sciatic Relief
Pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs may be used to relieve pain during the healing process. Most doctors will prescribe a minimal treatment of over-the-counter ibuprofen or acetaminophen for mild sciatic pain, but prescription strength narcotics and muscle relaxants may be prescribed for chronic sufferers. For severe sciatic pain, spinal steroid injections may also be used.
Home Relief
Ice and heat packs along with bed rest are recommended for the first few days after symptoms appear. With a doctor's permission, mild stretching for the lower back and legs often helps relieve pain. As symptoms lessen, exercise is recommended to strengthen the back muscles and help prevent future sciatic pain problems. Sleeping or lying on the side with a pillow between the knees may also take pressure off of the nerve and offer sciatic relief.
Physical Therapy and Exercise
Physical therapy is usually recommended to speed recovery and relieve symptoms. Therapy involves deep stretching exercises to increase mobility and strength. Physical therapy sessions may also involve posture exercises and massage to help ease pain and relieve pressure. A doctor may also prescribe a diet and exercise regime as extra weight puts pressure on the spine.
Surgery Options
According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 80 percent to 90 percent of individuals suffering from sciatic pain will improve without surgery. But for the small percentage of people who don't get better, surgery may provide relief. Surgery is usually recommended for compressed or ruptured discs in the spine. Optimally, only partial removal of a disc will be required to correct the problem, but for a rupture, full removal of the disc may be needed.
Alternative Relief Treatments
Traditional options for sciatic relief may not work for everyone, particularly for individuals with chronic pain who wish to avoid surgery. Acupuncture is the ancient eastern tradition of inserting very fine needles into various points of the body to relieve pain and treat some illnesses. Chiropractic treatments may offer relief for sciatic pain by aligning the spine and manipulating surrounding muscles. Both acupuncture and chiropractic treatments should only be done by licensed professionals.