Exercises to Relieve Back Pain & Leg Pain
Downward Facing Dog
The Downward Facing Dog is a basic yoga stretch that can help you elongate your spine, take pressure off your lower back and stretch the back of your legs all at once. Start the Downward Facing Dog by putting your hands and knees on the floor, both slightly outside of shoulder width. Your back should be straight and your head should be hanging down. Inhale deeply, then exhale as you shift your bodyweight backwards so that your glutes are resting on your heels. Stretch your arms forward and spread your fingers. Take about five more deep breaths. Inhale and then exhale as you put your toes on the floor.
Take another deep breath in. As you exhale, try to straighten out your legs to a standing position without moving your fingers. You should look like an equilateral triangle made up of your legs on one side, your hips as a point, and your back and arms as the other side. Keep your feet flat on the ground and your head down, focusing your eyes between your legs. Keep taking deep breaths and hold this position for at least a minute. You should start to feel your spine stretch out after about 10 seconds. Bend your knees slightly if you have to. Once the minute is up, slowly return to the all fours position by reversing the movements. Rest for 30 seconds and then repeat.
Hamstring Stretch
A deep hamstring stretch can also loosen your lower back, since tight hamstring muscles can seem like stiff pillars that your back rests on. Begin the hamstring stretch by lying on your back with legs straight out and together. Your toes should be pointing up and your hands should be at your side. Bend your left knee to form an equilateral triangle with the floor, keeping your left foot flat on the floor. Raise your right leg as high as you possibly can without bending your knee.
Once you reach that pinnacle, raise your shoulders and try to grab your right shin with both hands without lifting your lower back. If you can't reach that far, use a towel to loop around the bottom of your foot and pull down. Keep your neck loose and hold this position for 30 seconds, taking deep breaths that will help you dig deeper into your stretch. Relax and then switch legs. Repeat this cycle at least three times.