How to Do a Trigger Point Injection Into Trapezius Muscle
Things You'll Need
- 10 mL syringe
- 25 G needle
- Lidocaine 0.5%
- Pillow
Feel for points of tension, characterized by muscle knots, in the trapezius muscles. These are the trigger points; mark them with a marker or pen.
Prepare the syringe with 2 to 3 milliliters of lidocaine 0.5%. Trigger point injections use lidocaine, a local anesthetic, to relax muscles and relieve pain.
Lay the patient down on his chest. For comfort and optimal positioning, place a pillow under the individual's chest.
Insert the needle through the skin and into a marked trigger point. Inject 2-3 milliliters of lidocaine into the muscle. Remove the syringe.