Water Exercises for Spinal Stenosis
Water Walking
Water acts as a natural resistance, but at the same time is gentle on the joints and vertebrae. This is why walking in the water rather than on land is a great alternative for people with spinal stenosis. This exercise is done in a pool in which the water is level to the chest or at least the waist. Every step taken must end with the foot flat on the bottom of the pool. Each landing of the foot should start with the heel, which will help ensure you are not tip-toeing. The core muscles, those in the abdomen region, must be engaged as you walk to get the most out of the exercise. Not only does this take strain off your back, but it also works to strengthen the muscles in that area. If you are looking to raise your heart rate with this exercise, you can add arm movements under the water and raise your legs higher as you walk.
The knee-to-chest exercise is a good way to strengthen the front and back thighs and the gluteus without straining the back muscles or spine. The movement begins with one hand on the side of the pool. The left knee is brought up to meet the chest, or as close as is comfortable, and then released to the starting position. Then the movement is repeated on the right leg.
The leg raise exercise helps to strengthen and stretch the leg muscles as well as those in the lower back. Begin by holding on to the side of the pool with one hand, then stretch out one leg while bending the supporting leg just as much as is comfortable. Hold for 20 seconds, then return to starting position, reverse the legs and repeat.
Basic swimming is also a great way to keep the body in shape without adding additional damage to the spine and lower back. Not all strokes are recommended for patients with spinal stenosis, however; any that involve the overexertion of the arms can cause unnecessary strain on painful areas. Also if swimming is uncomfortable, an alternative might be to add a flotation belt or other flotation device to help keep the spine straight while kicking the legs slightly.