Remedy for a Bulging Disc

A bulging disc is caused when the inner nucleus of the disc (nucleus pulposus) begins pressing against the outer disc wall (annulus fibrosus), and forces the disc to bulge outwards. A disc is made of a soft, gelatinous material and is responsible for cushioning the vertebrae of the spine. A bulging disk occurs gradually over time and can either heal on its own or through treatment. There are a variety of remedies that can fight off this condition, and it's important to consult with a medical professional before beginning any type of treatment.
  1. Yoga and Stretching

    • Yoga and stretching can alleviate the pain associated with a bulging disc and begin to remedy the condition. Yoga treats a bulging disc by strengthening the abdominal muscles, which compensates for the loss of function in the vertebrae. Stretching helps improve circulation in the affected area. Simple stretches, such as knee lifts, pelvic twists and knee rolls can reduce inflammation and pain in your back.

    Physical Therapy

    • Physical therapy is designed to help you return to normal activities after suffering from a bulging disc. This type of therapy works by rebuilding and improving strength in your back. A well-rounded therapy program focuses on controlling symptoms by encouraging mobility and correct posture. Having correct posture puts less stress on the spine, which reduces the pain of a bulging disk. Physical therapy gives you the tools to build coordination in the back area, and is considered a long-term health investment in combating problems in the back.


    • Another way to remedy a bulging disc is to stimulate the area with mobilization techniques or spinal manipulation. If the bulging disc is detected early on, deep soft tissue mobilization or massage by trained personnel can manage the pain and create circulation in the area. Ice, heat and electrical stimulation are used to treat this condition by encouraging blood flow in the area.

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