Is Yoga Contraindicated for Spinal Fusion Patients?
This posture shows strenght and flexiblity. Spinal fusion patients should not attempt. Correct yoga therapy postures facilitate pain relief, build strength and flexibility, and improve balance. Regular practice also improves vitality and emotional health, helping spinal fusion patients lead more comfortable lives. (Refs. 1, 2.)
Yoga helps the healing process. Yoga cannot cure this condition, but gradual and gentle practice speeds the healing process. Patients regain posture, relieve stress and amplify energy levels, while enhancing spirituality to ward off depression. (Ref. 1.)
Strong muscles Breathing techniques, meditation and physical asanas support healthy blood flow to muscles and joints, lengthening connective tissue and increasing range of motion. (Refs. 1, 2.)
Find a knowledgeable teacher. Finding an experienced teacher who understands the specifics of your condition is key to a successful recovery. (Ref. 4.) Use props and modifications to achieve a stable, slow and mindful practice. (Ref. 3.)
Avoid getting twisted in knots. Spinal fusion patients should refrain from advanced postures. The Yoga Therapy Center advises patients to avoid exercises that compress the spine, like crunches, and excessive spinal flexion movements, such as forward folds.