How to Heal a Pinched Nerve With Yoga
Things You'll Need
- Yoga mat
- Yoga bolster or six firm pillows
- Four yoga blocks or four thick hardback books
- Optional: Blanket
Supported Bridge Pose for Pinched Nerve in Neck
Lay out a yoga mat, or find a soft, carpeted space.
Place the long edges of two yoga blocks next to one another and place two additional blocks on top in the middle of the mat.
Sit on the blocks and slowly lean back onto your elbows.
Release the upper back and shoulders down to the mat/floor.
Place the feet flat on the floor and bend the knees toward the ceiling.
The sacrum and buttocks rest on the blocks, while the upper back, shoulders and head rest on the mat/floor.
Stay in this position for five minutes, three to four times per week.
To come out of the pose, rise up on to your elbows and sit up on the blocks.
Supported Child's Pose for Pinched Nerve in Back
Lay out a yoga mat, or find a carpeted space.
Place a yoga bolster or six firm pillows (lengthwise, parallel to the mat in a row of three, with the remaining three pillows stacked on top) near the top of the mat.
Kneeling on the middle of the mat, bring your knees to the end of the bolster or pillow stack closest to the middle of the mat.
Sitting back towards your heels, release the head and upper body down on to the bolster or pillow stack. Extend and reach the arms out on the floor in front of you.
Stay in this position for five minutes, three to four times per week. If you feel pain or discomfort in the ankles, place a rolled-up, thin blanket under both ankles. For discomfort in the knees, place a rolled-up, thin blanket behind the knees.