Natural Alternative for Healing Lower Back Muscle Strain
Get chiropractic treatments for your back. According to the Mayo Clinic, clinical trials have proved chiropractic treatment to be an effective method of healing lower back pain. Chiropractic treatment realigns the spine so that the limited movement causing the back pain is released. Practitioners use their hands positioned along the body to apply force to joints and massage the affected areas to help release pain.
Herbs and Food as Medicine
Use antispasmodic and sedative herbs to help strained muscles relax and heal. Chamomile is an herbal sedative good for promoting sleep when pain is excessive. Valerian root and cramp bark work in the same manner. These herbs can be found at health food stores.
Enzymes from fruits can help inflamed muscles heal from a strain. Bromelain is an anti-inflammatory found in pineapples. Grapefruit juice and juice from dark grapes have the same anti-inflammatory properties. Take these daily to help relieve muscle strain.
Practice yoga on a regular basis to help heal muscles and provide pain relief. Yoga is an Indian physical and mental discipline that invokes stretches and breathing techniques to heal the body. Yoga has different levels of intensity and can be used to heal and strengthen the back.