Exercises to Alleviate Back Pain Caused by Bulging Disc
Gentle exercises prescribed by a physical therapist can relieve pain from a bulging disc
Your doctor starts the diagnostic process by taking your medical history and performing a complete physical exam, with additional tests ordered as needed.
Over-the-counter or prescription pain medications may relieve bulging disc pain, and your doctor may refer you to a physical therapist.
Purpose of Exercising the Back
Exercising strengthens back muscles, and stretching exercises decrease your risk of muscle spasms. Weight bearing exercises such as walking, preserve muscle mass, reducing your chances of developing a compression fracture.
Pain fighting chemicals in the body called endorphins are released when you exercise, so participate in exercises that you enjoy, and you won't even think about your bulging disc pain.
Back Exercises
Your physical therapist may have you do these exercises at home.
Lower Back Tilt--Lie on a comfortable rug or place an exercise mat on the floor. Tighten buttock and abdominal muscles, so that the lower back is flat, and your pelvis tilts up. Take a few deep breaths, and then tilt your pelvis downward by raising the lower back off the floor.
Back Bridge--Get into a comfortable face up position, and lift your buttocks and back slowly off the floor. Stretch the spine as you slowly lower buttocks and back.
Almost Sit-Ups--Resting comfortably in a face up position on the floor, tuck your chin in. Stretch both hands between the knees, while slowly lifting your head and shoulders. With your chin still in a tucked position, stretch both hands to the right and left knees. Lower head and shoulders to the floor, and relax for a minute or two before getting up.
Rolling Knees--While in a face-up position on the floor, roll knees to your left side, then to your right side, while keeping your elbows on the floor.
Knees to chest--While lying on your back, bend right knee up toward your chest, then hold knee in your hands and count to five. Slowly straighten the left knee along the floor, and count to five. Return to starting position, and repeat on the left side.
Low back extension--Lie on your stomach, propping your upper body up on your elbows, while keeping your hips on the floor. Hold this position for at least five seconds per repetition, for 10 repetitions.
This exercise should be done slowly, as some patients may experience pain initially while in this position.