Back Spasm Fixes
Back Spasms Defined
Spasms are spontaneous contractions in muscles, and they can be very painful when they occur near the spine because of the number of nerves that congregate in that area. When these nerves receive messages that a ligament or joint in the spine is injured in any way, they trigger contractions as a natural protective measure, and we feel these contractions in our back muscles as back spasms.
If you take an awkward swing at a baseball, you may sprain a ligament in your back and be informed of the injury in the form of painful back spasms that cause you to lie in fetal position for a good time.
Rest, Ice & Heat
The first and most common road for treatment of back spasms is the old standby of rest, ice and heat. Rest your back on a flat, firm surface for the most of 24 to 48 hours. Soft cushions are not a good option as they allow too much movement, and the goal is to keep your back immobilized so any injury to your back muscles or spine will not be aggravated.
Apply ice to your back, 1 hour on and 1 hour off, for the first 24 hours, then switch to a heat pad after any swelling, pain or inflammation subsides. Even if you start to feel better sooner than later, give your body a chance to heal. Though the pain may dissipate, there may still be an underlying injury that has not yet healed.
Muscle Relaxants and Anti-Inflammatories
As with any illness, you must treat the symptom for initial relief and treat the cause of the injury for permanent relief. Muscle relaxants, usually available only by doctor's prescription, treat the symptom, which is the back spasm itself. Easing the contraction in the muscle reduces the pain caused by the contraction and allows some freedom of movement to return. Anti-inflammatories like ibuprofen and aspirin treat the cause, whether it is a sprained ligament or joint contusion, by reducing swelling until natural healing takes its course.