Exercises to Strengthen My Lower Back & Stomach
The Importance of Warm-up
Before exercising always warm up before doing stretching exercises otherwise you can leave your back vulnerable to injury because your muscles are cold. Five to ten minutes of gradual aerobic exercises such as walking or jogging should do the trick.
Pelvic Tilt Exercises
Pelvic tilt exercises are good for strengthening the lower back and the lower abdominal muscles. Lay comfortably on your exercise mat and bend your knees, placing your feet close to your buttocks with your knees pointing to the ceiling. Clench your buttocks and abdomen as tightly as you can and flatten the small of your back against the floor. Hold this position for a count of five and then relax. Tighten your buttocks and abdomen again and this time push your buttocks off the floor so that your pelvis is tilted towards the ceiling. Hold this position for a count of five and then relax. Alternate each movement, repeating each five times.
Knee to Chest Exercise
The knee to chest exercise is simple and yet is very beneficial for the strengthening of back muscles. Lie comfortably on your exercise mat and breathe deeply but at a regular pace. Bend your knees and place your feet close to your buttocks with your knees pointing to the ceiling. Take hold of your left leg at the back of the thigh and pull your knee towards your left shoulder. Hold for a count of five and then relax. Repeat the same action with the other leg. Keep alternating sides and repeat with each leg five times.
Cycle Kick
Lie comfortably on your exercise mat and bend your knees, placing your feet near to your buttocks with your knees pointing to the ceiling. Place your hands behind the back of your neck. Imagine you are riding a bicycle and pump your legs back and forth in a circular motion. To give extra strength to your lower abdominal muscles, simultaneously twist your torso from side to side by moving your elbow towards the opposite knee. Do this action for a count of five then relax. Repeat five more times.