What Are the Causes of Lower Backpain?
Muscle injury
Injury to lower back muscles are commonly related to supporting structures like ligaments, vertebral and sacroiliac (spine-hip) joints that support the weight of the upper body.
Osteoarthritis is a degeneration of the spinal joints that is usually age-related. This condition is common in the back as well as the hips.
Herniated Discs
Repeated movements, injury from vibration (machine use), sudden muscle strain or pressure can cause the discs that cushion the vetebra to rupture and compress spinal nerves.
Spinal Deformities
Curvature of the spine, like lateral scoliosis or kyphosis (hump) are deformities that cause imbalances and strain.
Less Common Causes
Spinal tumors, Paget's Disease and Schuermann's Disease (cause abnormal bone growths affecting the spine), bacterial infection, ankylosing spondylitis (joint inflammation), and referred pain from gastrointestinal, urinary, prostate and pelvic conditions can also cause lower back pain.