Mattresses for Back Pain
The right mattress can help back pain sufferers
Good mattresses for back pain help support the spine. With sinking or sagging mattresses, the back is out of alignment, leading to stress. This stress, combined with the wear that the back endures daily, leads to additional pain since the back never gets to relax.
Comfort is most important when considering a mattress for back pain. While a firm to medium-firm mattress usually works for those with bad backs, some individuals with back pain find softer mattresses work for them. Sleeping on an uncomfortable mattress is not the answer to a bad back; in fact, it makes it worse.
Inner-spring is the most common type of--and most affordable--mattress. This type has internal springs that support the body. More springs in these mattresses support more individual places. Memory-foam and newer latex-foam mattresses conform to the body's shape, leading to support where needed. Air mattresses are entirely customizable, and allow for two sides of the bed to have different support levels. This is especially convenient for partners who have different preferences on mattress firmness.
A good, supportive mattress will ease back pain by providing adequate support to the spine. When the back gets a rest from supporting the body and other stresses, it can heal and relax. It also provides comfort, leading to better sleep. Adequate sleep leads to better mood and a more positive outlook, which can make pain seem less consequential.
Time Frame
Even good mattresses age. Replace mattresses after five to seven years, since most mattresses lose their support after that time frame. Any sagging or drooping in the mattress means the support system isn't working anymore. To reduce back pain, the mattress must have a good support system.