What to Do for a Herniated L4-L5 Disc to Heal Itself?
About L4-L5 Disc Pain
When the L4-L5 discs are herniated, problems in your lower back, or lumbar region, will arise. This can lead to sciatica. Your sciatic nerve is in your lower back area that runs down each leg. If this nerve is pinched or damaged, the pain you feel can be debilitating to the point that you cannot sit or stand comfortably. According to spine-health.com, sciatica is very common when there is a herniated lumbar disc.
Healing L4-L5 Herniated Discs
L4-L5 disc pain often can be managed and the discs healed without surgery. The following are ways to help L4-L5 herniated discs heal:
* Exercise: Sciatica exercises actually focus on strengthening muscles in your abdomen and back, which in turn offers more support for your back.
* Weight loss: At times, excessive weight in your abdominal region can cause disc and back problems.
* Manipulating the spine: performed by a licensed chiropractor.
* In some cases, a cortisone injection can reduce inflammation.
* Using a heating pad: Once the inflammation has subsided, a heating pad can help manage pain and increase blood circulation.
* Bed rest: Resting for two to three days can help.
* Use a firm mattress: Sleeping on a firm mattress helps keep your spine straight.
Important Information
If conventional methods such as exercise and certain medications do not aid in the healing of herniated L4-L5 discs, or if the pain is so severe that it becomes debilitating, you may need to consider surgery. Most often this is the last resort to correcting the damaged discs. Speak to a medical professional or specialist for more information about this option.