Back Strengthening Exercises for Men in Pain
Back-Strengthening Exercise 1
According to My Personal Trainer School, back pain is reduced by consistently doing strengthening exercises for all parts of the back. It is better to use cables for your exercises or your own personal body weight, to ease the amount of pressure put on the back. If you use weights, it may cause more of strain. If you do decide to use weights, use a lighter weight. The first exercise that My Personal Trainer School suggested is the high cable row exercise. It requires you to secure the resistance band around a stable/heavy piece of equipment a little higher than eye level. Then, stand in a comfortable position with your legs about shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent. To perform the exercise, "You'll exhale as you pull the handles toward your chest, making sure to draw your elbows back and your shoulder blades together. Inhale as you return your hands to the starting position" (My Personal Trainer School).
Back-Strengthening Exercise 2
The second exercise, also suggested by My Personal Trainer School, is the cable reverse fly. In this exercise you will need two cables. Secure them on two different heavy objects or machines on each side. Stand with your legs in a little tighter than shoulder-width and keep your knees straight. Cross your arms across your chest and grab the cables' handles. Slowly uncross and straighten your arms to each side as you exhale. "Your hands should finish at the same height as your shoulders. Be careful not to shrug your shoulders as you perform this exercise" (My Personal Trainer School). This will strengthen your middle and upper back as well as the back of your shoulders.
Back-Strengthening Exercise 3
Another back-strengthening exercise, which works your lower back, is called the back extension. Lie face-down with your legs straight and your arms either on your lower back, straight by your sides or bent in two "L" shapes on either side of your head. This exercise uses only your body weight. According to My Personal Trainer School, "If you are new to this, you'll want to keep your feet on the ground and exhale as you lift your upper body from the ground. Remember to keep your neck in a comfortable position as you lift and during your return to the ground." These exercises should help strengthen each point of your back. Don't do these exercises every day, as your body will need rest periods, but do it on a consistent basis.