How to Define Ruptured Disk
Understand that herniation, or rupture, means a disk has moved out of place, causing cartilage tissue to bulge out from between the bones of the spine. Pain is caused by irritation to a nerve root when the soft cartilage between the vertebrae of the spinal column ruptures. When spinal nerves are compressed, a person experiences weakness or numbness in an extremity, and severe pain.
Know how to describe the condition known as a herniated or slipped disk. When a disk ruptures, it often creates pressure against spinal nerves. A herniated cervical disk causes neck pain that radiates to the shoulder and arm. Pain usually becomes worse when you bend your neck or turn it to one side.
Learn to identify the signs of a herniated lumbar disk, which is in the loins. These can include pain in the lower back, muscle spasms and numbness in one or both legs and feet. Pain often radiates down the hip and leg and may become worse with sitting, standing or coughing. Physical straining can also make the pain worse.
Take into account risk factors such as your gender, age and degree of physical activity when determining whether you might be experiencing the symptoms of a ruptured disk. While disk herniation frequently occurs in both women and men who are in their 30s and 40s, the condition becomes more common in men after middle age.
Consider the results of a physical exam. Depending on the symptoms you describe, your doctor may ask you to bend your head forward. If you feel pain or numbness when he applies a slight downward pressure to the top of your head, you may have a ruptured cervical disk. Pain when you lift your leg straight up while in a sitting position could be a sign that you have a herniated lumbar disk.
Think about the different treatment options that might help to relieve your symptoms. Rest and over-the-the counter pain medications followed by some physical therapy are generally all that is needed for recovery. A doctor may prescribe muscle relaxants to relieve back spasms that can occur with a ruptured lumbar disk. Steroid injections and surgery are additional options when other treatments prove to be ineffective.