Lower Chronic Back Pain
Lower back pain is often caused by overuse, muscle strains or injury to the discs of the spine. Experts believe that as time goes by, this can lead to weakness and imbalances in the spine.
Causes Of Chronic Back Pain
A herniated or ruptured disc is one of the most common cause of chronic lower back pain. This occurs when the gel-like substance between the discs protrudes from in between them. This is painful and at times can cause numbness or weakness in the legs as well. This condition can be caused by a degenerative condition or an injury to the back.
Degenerative Back Conditions
Osteoarthritis is one of the leading causes of lower back pain in older people. This is a degenerative joint disease and worsens with age. This can put pressure on the roots of the nerves of the spine, causing severe pain.
Injuries That Can Cause Chronic Back Pain
Low back pain is often due to a fracture of the vertebrae in the spine. This can occur with an injury such as an automobile accident, slip and fall, or sports injury.
Several conditions can produce pain similar to lower back pain. These include aortic aneurysm, pelvic inflammatory disease, gallbladder disease, ulcers, prostate disease and urinary tract infections. These are potentially serious conditions and need the attention of a qualified medical professional.