Magnesium for Back Pain
The mineral magnesium plays an important role in all of the organs of the body, according to the University of Maryland's Medical Center (UMMC), especially the kidneys, heart and muscles. And it is involved in bone composition as well. But in spite of its importance in the body, it is believed that most people in the United States do not have enough magnesium in their daily diets.
Magnesium Deficiency
According to an article in USA Weekend Magazine---quoting Dr. Lawrence Resnick, Cornell Medical Center Professor of Medicine---magnesium deficiency in the United States is a cause for concern, playing a role in conditions like heart disease and osteoporosis. In addition, a deficiency of it can also lead to muscle spasms, intensifying pain signals, and the loss of bone strength.
Back Pain and Magnesium
With magnesium playing a role in bone and muscle health, a deficiency of this mineral can impact the strength of the skeleton of the back and its surrounding muscles. Therefore, if back pain is a result of bone strength deterioration, muscle weakness or spasms, adding magnesium supplementation may help increase bone strength and prevent muscle spasms and relieve pain, according to Seelig.
Food Magnesium Sources
In addition to supplementation forms, magnesium can be obtained through the foods we eat; especially green leafy vegetables. Of the nuts and seeds containing magnesium, pumpkin seeds provide the highest levels of this mineral (152 mg per 1 oz.) and sunflower kernels (at 100 mg) are a close second.
One oz. of 100 percent wheat bran cereal provides 134 mg of magnesium, and one-half cup of baked beans provides 72 mgs. There is 50 mgs of magnesium in 1 cup of raw spinach, and 3 oz. of salmon will provide you with 31 mgs of this important mineral.
Magnesium Caution
Magnesium supplementation needs vary from individual to individual. In addition, certain medical conditions (intestinal flu, irritable bowel syndrome) may deplete magnesium levels in the body---while certain medications (for blood pressure, diabetes) may interact negatively with magnesium levels in the body.
Therefore, medical advice should be sought before beginning magnesium supplementation, especially if the individual is diabetic or has a kidney or heart condition, according to the University of Maryland's Medical Center.