Exercises to Help a Pinched Nerve & Leg Pain
The goal of extension exercises is to push the pain up from the lower leg into the lower back. One exercise is to lie face-down on the floor, and then slowly arch your back by propping up on your elbows. The key to this exercise is keeping the hips flat on the floor to get the full stretch. This might be difficult at first, so begin slowly and gently, and hold the pose 30 seconds per repetition, for a total of 10 repetitions. To take this a step further, lie on your stomach and slowly prop your upper body up on the palms of your hands. Again, it is important to keep your pelvis flat on the floor, and to keep your lower body relaxed so you don't strain yourself. Hold this position for one second, repeating it 10 times.
Most of these stretches are forward-bending, which open up the spine and relieve the irritation on the nerve. The first is the back flexion. Lie on the floor on your back, bend your knees, and gently pull both knees to your chest. Hold this position for 30 seconds, doing six reps per day.
Another stretching exercise has you get down on your hands and knees, then sit back so you're sitting on your heels with your upper body extended on the floor in front of you, your back rounded, and your arms on the floor reaching forward. In yoga, this is called the "Child's Pose." It is important not to bounce on your heels while you are trying to stretch. Hold this pose for 30 seconds, and repeat four to six times a day.
The goal of these exercises is to strengthen the abdominal muscles. Lie on the floor on your back. Pull your abdominal muscles tight and suck them inward at the belly button, imagining that you are trying to touch the floor. Hold this for 10 seconds and repeat 10 times a day.
Another exercise is the Hook-Lying March. For this exercise, simply march in place, pulling each leg 3 to 4 inches up off the floor. March for 30 seconds, then pause for 30 seconds, repeating three times a day.