Prostate Infection & Back Pain
Acute Bacterial Prostatitis
This type of prostate infection is caused by the same bacteria that causes bladder infections, explains These bacterias include E. coli, Klebsiella and Proteus. also states that this type of infection may be caused by sexually transmitted diseases or can be caused by the spread of bacteria through the bloodstream from other organs. Symptoms of acute bacterial prostatitis include fever, urinary frequency, chills and shakes, urinary urgency and painful Urination. also explains that back pain--usually in the lower back--may occur while patients have this type of infection.
Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis
Chronic bacterial prostatitis is an ongoing bacterial infection of the prostate that is rare. states this type of prostatitis generally causes no symptoms at all. However, when patients experience a low-grade infection, they may experience a bladder infection. Thus, they will have an urgency to urinate, pain during urination, possible blood in the urine, frequent urination, pressure in the lower abdomen, fever and, rarely, upset stomach and vomiting. In many cases, back pain is associated with bladder infections caused by chronic bacterial prostatitis, states
Chronic Prostatitis Without Infection
This type of prostate infection is not clearly understood, according to Patients with this type of prostatitis may experience many bothersome symptoms, including recurrent pelvic pain, pain in the testicles and rectal pain. All of these may not be associated with bladder infections. Men may also experience painful urination and ejaculation, as well as erectile dysfunction. The cause of this type of prostatitis is still unknown, so diagnosis is troublesome.
Asymptomatic Inflammatory Prostatitis
Asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis is also not clearly understood. explains that there are no clear symptoms of this type of prostate infection. There is no bacterial infection associated with this disorder; the prostate is just inflamed. states that urine tests may show white blood cells in the urine, yet understanding what causes this type of inflammation is still not known. Patients have not complained of urinary troubles while experiencing this type of prostatitis.
After speaking with your doctor and diagnosing your specific type of prostatitis, there are many treatment options. With bacterial prostatitis, states that doctors will prescribe antibiotics such as ciprofloxacin to help treat the infection. For chronic prostatitis without infection, alpha-adrenergic blockers and pain therapy can help. Also, prostate pain and back pain may be treated with pain medications such as ibuprofen, reports