Ruptured Cervical Disc Symptoms
The Cervical Disc
Cervical discs are located in the spine between each vertebra. These discs act as shock absorbers because the gel (nucleus pulposus) contained within them absorbs pain, oftentimes preventing severe pain in your back.
Disc Damage
As you age, the outer covering of the cervical disc breaks down and shock absorption lessens with time. Because of this breakdown, the nucleus pulposus can leak out, resulting in a herniated or ruptured disc.
Herniated Disc Causes
A ruptured disc occurs when the nucleus pulposus fluid begins pressing on nerve endings in the spinal column. Nerves are the body's pain receptors, so when this occurs, you may feel moderate to severe discomfort throughout your body.
The ruptured disc itself may not cause you pain; in fact, many people do not notice back pain when a disc ruptures. Instead, mild symptoms of a herniated cervical disc include tingling or arm numbness, aches that stem from the upper arm down to the fingertips, and difficulty sitting. People with a herniated disc may sometimes confuse these symptoms with carpal tunnel syndrome.
Severe Symptoms
Severe symptoms include cramping in the arms, muscle spasms, sciatica (sharp pains that radiate from the buttocks down to the calves), the inability to control bowel and bladder movements, awkward gait and difficulty with motor skills. These require immediate medical attention. With both moderate and severe pain, only a doctor can diagnose a herniated disc.
For mild ruptured disc cases, a physician may prescribe anti-inflammatory medications such as Tylenol or Advil. For severe pain, oral steroids such as Celebrex are usually prescribed, but often for a week's time. Additionally, if the hernia persists, surgery may become an option.