Exercises to Prevent Sciatica
Do Aerobics
Do aerobics at least five times a week for 30 to 60 minutes to prevent sciatica. Low-impact aerobics prevents this condition from occurring and halts flare ups if you've suffered from sciatic nerve damage. Cardiovascular exercises that provide back pain benefits include stationary and outdoor bikes, treadmills, elliptical machines and cross-country ski machines. To prevent back pain, make sure your bike handle bars are aligned properly to your body. Water aerobics provide aerobic benefits without stressing muscles. Aerobics helps you burn calories and maintain weight, as extra pounds increase your susceptibility to sciatica.
Strengthen Core Muscles
Perform Pilates a few times a week to strengthen core muscles. Your core muscles are the muscles of your abdominals and pelvis. When core muscles are strong, pelvic, lower back, hips and abdominal muscles work together. You are less susceptible to sciatica and back and muscle problems and help you maintain good posture. The bridge is a core exercise that helps the back and abdominal muscles.
To do this exercise, place an exercise mat on the floor and lie down with your knees bent. Make sure your back is not arched. Hold in your abdominals and lift your hips off the floor until your hips, knees and shoulders are in a straight line. Take in three deep breaths and slowly return to the starting position. Do for about eight repetitions. Incorporate this exercise in your twice a week Pilates routine. Beginner Pilates DVDs helps you learn the fundamentals of the exercises.
Use Swiss Ball
Use the Swiss exercise ball for sciatica prevention. Physical therapists use Swiss balls to treat patients who've suffered from various back injuries. Swiss balls can potentially help prevent new low back pain problems when used as a rehabilitation treatment. Purchase a ball for less than $30 and do back exercises at home. As you become more adept at balancing yourself on the ball, your back muscles strengthen. The rock back-and-forth is one Swiss ball exercise.
To do this exercise, sit on the ball with hand on hips or by your side. Tilt your pelvis up while pulling in your stomach at the same time. Slowly move hips forward and backward. Return to your upright position. Do 10 repetitions of this exercise. Perform this exercise as often as you want. Sit on the ball while working or sitting in front of the television. Purchase Swiss ball exercise DVDs for beginners for tools on using this piece of exercise equipment.