Reasons for Sciatica
Herniated Disk
One reason for sciatica is a herniated disk, which occurs when the lumbar disk, located in the lower spinal column, bulges. This bulge compresses the sciatic nerve, causing inflammation and pain.
Lumbar Spinal Stenosis
Another cause of sciatica is the nerve disorder lumbar spinal stenosis. This disorder is the result of constant compression of the spine. Lumbar spinal stenosis mostly affects elderly people. The pain of sciatica is usually brought on in certain positions, such as bending or standing.
Sciatica can result from spondylolisthesis, a condition associated with the slipping of spinal vertebrae over one another. The slipped vertebrae compress the roots of the spinal nerves, causing the pain associated with sciatica.
Another reason for sciatica is direct injury to the lower back. This can be caused by a motor vehicle accident, falling, sports injuries or bending incorrectly.
Spinal Tumors
Spinal tumors are benign or malignant growths on the spine. These tumors are rare, but if they occur, they can grow large enough to compress the sciatic nerve, causing inflammation and pain.