Chiropratic Methods for Pinched Nerves
One nonsurgical treatment for pinched nerves in the back, called flexion/distraction, uses a special table in tandem with chiropractic adjustments. The table can assume positions that bend and elongate the patient's spine, and the chiropractor applies gentle pressure on the spine to separate and decompress vertebral discs. Relieving the pressure on the spinal joints and discs decreases pain and allows for recovery.
McKenzie Method
Many chiropractors have incorporated the McKenzie Method, or McKenzie Protocol, in treatment plans for patients who suffer from pinched nerves. This method, developed by New Zealand physical therapist Robin McKenzie, is a series of specialized exercises that stretch and extend the neck and back, reshaping the vertebral discs. The McKenzie Method is not a quick fix: The first few sessions are conducted at the chiropractor's office; then the patient is shown how to self-treat at home. This form of treatment does not diminish all pain; it is meant to centralize the pain to one area, making that pain easier to manage.
Interferential Current
Interferential Current Therapy uses electrical impulses to stimulate healing of muscle or nerve injuries. The chiropractor sends low-frequency electrical impulses to the soft tissue in the most painful areas. The impulses work to stimulate the production of endorphins, the body's natural painkillers. This may be a good alternative for a patient who is wary of needles and has not gotten relief from traditional adjustment therapy.