Exercises to Correct Scoliosis
Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine. There are exercises that can be done that will help to correct or lessen the curvature. These exercises will help to prevent the possibility of surgery in the future. All of these exercises can be found on iscoliosis.com, which is HONcode (Health on the Net Foundation Code of Conduct) certified. This certification means this site gives credible and reliable health-care information.-
Leg and Arm Extension
You will need an exercise ball for this exercise. Lay on your stomach the exercise ball, making sure your hips are aligned over the ball. Extend your left hand out and keep your right hand on the floor. Then, extend your right leg out and keep your left leg on the floor. Hold this position for a count of three, and then switch hands and legs. Do three sets of 10 extensions and take a 30- to 60-second break in between sets.
Back Extension
Lay down with your stomach on top of the exercise ball with your hands and knees touching the floor. Lift your hands and upper body until your back is parallel with the ball. Your arms and hands should be extended out so that they are also parallel with the ball. Hold this pose for a count of five. Do a set of 10 extensions.
Triceps Raise
Sit on the ball with your feet flat on the floor. Make sure you are sitting with your spine as straight as possible. Put a small, 5-pound bar bell in your right hand. Bend your arm behind your head while using your left hand as a brace to make sure your elbow is right beside your head. Lift your right hand above your head and squeeze. Then lower your arm back down. Switch arms and do three sets of 10 with each arm.
Bent-Over Raise
Grab a set of 5-pound weights and sit down on the exercise ball. Bend over until your back is parallel with the floor. Extend your arms straight out to the side with the weights, but keep your elbows bent slightly. Then, bring your arms back down. You'll want to do three sets of 10 of this exercise.
Standing Raise
This exercise is similar to the bent-over raise. The only difference is that you don't bend over. Stand straight up with 5-pound weights in each hand. Raise your arms straight out to the sides so that your arms are parallel to the ground. Then lower your arms to your sides. Do three sets of 10 raises.
Upright Row
Start in a standing position with your arms down in front of you. Your palms should be facing your legs with a 5-pound weight in each hand. Pull your hands straight up until they are right under your chin; your elbows should be in alignment with your head. Then bring your hands back down. Do three sets of 10 of this exercise.
One-Arm Row
Lean on the exercise ball with your left hand and place a 5-pound weight in your right hand. With a flat back, pull your hand up while keeping your elbow bent. Your elbows should point toward the ceiling and squeeze your shoulder blades together on the way up, then release your hand back down. Do three sets of 10 for each arm.