Solutions for Back Pain
Yoga exercises can specifically target areas in the back and be an effective means to relieve pain. Yoga stretches hip muscles, and therefore reduces pain that radiates from the hips to the lower back. Do all yoga exercises for the back in an upright position. "Mountain pose" is one of the most beneficial exercises for back pain, and should be done at least three times per week.
Sit with your legs crossed in an upright position for "mountain pose." Lean your back against a wall and lower your knees so that they are almost touching the ground. Place both hands on your knees with your palms facing up. Make sure that your shoulders are touching the wall. Take a few deep breaths, then exhale. Next extend both arms and lift them above your head for a few minutes. Repeat this step for at least 8 to 10 breaths. Keep your shoulders, hips and neck relaxed. For added benefits, squeeze your abdominal muscles while your arms are extended in the air.
Herbs and Natural Medicines
Incorporating herbs into your daily diet as well as taking natural medicine can help diminish lower back pain.
Tulsi, ginger, and garlic are recommended for back pain and can be used daily in foods and drinks.
Cayenne cream, also known as capsacian cream, can be applied directly to the painful areas three to four times per day. Apply the cream every day for a week for best results. But test first on a small area as it can cause itching. Cayenne may also make pain temporarily increase, but these symptoms usually don't last long.
Willow bark is another herbal remedy that can decrease inflammation and back pain. Salicin is the primary chemical found in willow bark, and is directly responsible for the herb's healing effects. Willow bark can be taken in the dried or powdered herbal form. For the dried herb, add a teaspoon of dried willow bark into two cups of boiling water. Let the mixture simmer for at least 10 minutes. After straining, consume the drink. This can repeated three to four times daily. For the powdered form, consume between 60 to 240 mg of salicin each day.
Consult your doctor before using any herb or natural medicine as there may be side effects or interactions with other medications you may be taking.
Ice and Heat
Alternating ice and heat is beneficial to relieving back pain as both work on different aspects. Ice will help numb and break the spasms that occur between the nerves, while heat will increase your blood flow and work as a muscle relaxant.
Start with an ice pack. Apply the pack to the painful areas as many times as needed during the day for 15 to 20 minutes each time.
After a few days of applying the ice treatment, switch over to a heating pad. Apply the heating pad for 15 to 20 minutes per day for several days. Always use a heating pad while sitting upright to avoid burns and further irritations.