Sciatica Exercises
What is Sciatica?
Sciatica is a term referring to the symptoms which indicate a problem with the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve runs from the low back to the posterior lower leg. Sciatica occurs when the sciatic nerve root is compressed or pinched as a result of an injury, sudden twisting movement or the presence of problems in the spine, such as a bulge or herniation of a spinal disc. A herniated disc is the protrusion of the disc out of the vertebral space.
Sciatica Symptoms
Symptoms of sciatica include pain which can radiate from the low back, into the buttocks and down the posterior leg to the foot or heel. Pain can range from numbness and tingling or burning to a shooting pain. A general weakness in the leg and foot can also be experienced. This pain and dysfunction is typically seen on one side of the body.
Sciatica Treatment
Sciatica commonly goes away without intervention, but since it is an indication of a problem, it is important to determine the reason behind this nerve pain syndrome to prevent future incidences of pain.
Standard treatment for sciatica includes the control of inflammation or swelling which may be pressing on the nerve, and techniques to reduce the muscle tightness causing the restriction of the nerve. A restructuring of daily activities such as sleep positions or frequent shifting with prolonged static positions may help ease discomfort.
Sciatica Exercises: Stretches
Sciatica exercises, including a stretching routine, are imperative to ease symptoms and prevent future pain. To stretch the sciatic nerve and release muscular tension which may be adding to nerve irritation, lie on your back and bring the knee to the chest. This will stretch the buttocks muscles. Once the buttock relaxes, slowly shift your knee toward the opposite shoulder and hold several seconds.
Sciatica Exercises: Strengthening
Strengthening the back is an important part of alleviating and preventing pain. Start by lying flat on your belly for up to five minutes. When this becomes easy, move on to resting on your elbows. To increase back strength, maintain your position on belly and claps your hands behind your head. Lift your head and chest off the floor in a slow, controlled manner.