Adrenal Glands and Back Pain
Symptoms usually arise slowly. Fatigue, weight loss, back pain and nausea are common. Since the symptoms are gradual, it is often not until a stressful event or an illness occurs that a patient takes notice.
Adrenal Crisis
During an adrenal crisis, a patient may experience severe pain in the lower back, vomiting, dehydration, low blood pressure and/or loss of consciousness. Twenty- five percent of adrenal insufficiency patients do not seek medical help until they have an adrenal crisis.
Back Pain
The back pain may be acute, sharp, severe and unbearable. It may radiate down the legs and/or the abdomen.
Adrenal insufficiency must be addressed and treated as soon as possible. If left untreated, it may become fatal.
A doctor may suspect adrenal insufficiency based on the patient's complaints such as back pain, weight loss and overall tiredness. Also, a dark tanning of the skin is an excellent clue in diagnosing the disease.
Hormone replacement, substitution and therapy are all used to treat the disease and help with the pain and discomforts. Patients are urged to wear a medical ID bracelet or carry a card stating they suffer with adrenal insufficiency.