Upper Back Strengthening Exercises
Dumbell Pullovers
Disabled World suggests this exercise. Stretch out on an exercise bench with your head slightly off the end. Make sure both feet are flat on the floor. With the dumbbell in both hands, lift it straight up, then slowly lower your arms so the dumbbell is behind your head. Bring the dumbbell back up again. Repeat five times, working your way up to 15. You can also do this exercise with bent arms, lifting your arms over your head in an arc and back. Do the same number of repetitions.
Dumbbell Rows
Dumbbell rows are another good exercise, according to Disabled World. Standing up, place the dumbbell on the right side of the bench and your right foot firmly on the floor. Your left foot should be on the bench. Put your left hand on the bench, in front of your body, with your back in a straight yet horizontal position. Take the dumbbell in your right hand, and slowly raise your bent arm until your hand is level with your body. Then, lower the dumbbell. Start with five sets, then work up to 15. Then, switch arms and do the left side.
Upper Back Extension
This exercise is great for a stretch, and doesn't need any equipment, according to Wellsphere.com. Stand facing a wall and tighten your stomach muscles to support your lower back. Stretch your upper body up the wall, like a cat reaching for a toy. Hold the stretch for five to 10 seconds, and then relax your arms. Make sure your hips are tucked in toward the wall as you stretch. They shouldn't be tipped out and away. In other words, your lower body is leaning toward the wall to stretch, not bending away from it. Repeat as needed.