Bulging Disk Treatment
Everything from non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and opiate pain medication to short course oral steroids are prescribed for the relief of disk pain.
Chiropractic Care
The goal of this type of care is to alleviate pain and allow a patient to return to his or her normal level of function by making adjustments to reduce pressure on the vertebrae.
Physical Therapy
During this treatment, the therapist will help the patient to exercise weakened areas in an attempt to assist in regaining strength. While tailored to the individual, it usually combines stretching, strengthening and aerobic conditioning.
Epidural Steroid Injections
Up to three injections directly into the affected disk area are a normal course for this treatment. Relief can last from 1 week to 1 year. Up to three can be done in a 1-year time frame, but each must be done at least 2 weeks apart.
Two types are standard: microdiscectomy in which a portion of the disk pressing on the spinal cord is removed or spinal fusion in which two vertebrae are fused into one long bone thus alleviating the disk space in the middle. The choice between conservative or invasive treatment largely depends on the patient's level of comfort and mobility.