Back Disc Pain
Lower Back Disc Pain
A herniated disc (also called a slipped disc or a pinched nerve) puts pressure on the spinal cord and causes pain at the spot of the herniation and also can cause pain in other areas of the body. Lower back injuries are far more common than mid-back and upper-back disc problems because the lumbar vertebrae are in a more vulnerable position. Lower back pain often radiates down the leg. When the pain is referred from one area of the body to another, it is called radiculopathy.
Most lower back disc problems are the result of some sort of injury. Whether it's a sports injury, an auto accident or an injury around the home and workplace, the herniated disc is often the result. When a disc herniates, it tears and material from the disc puts pressure on the nerves around the spinal cord.
Back pain can move to other areas of the body. If the problem is with a disc in the upper back, you can lose some of the muscle function and control of your hand or arm. You may uncontrollably drop an item you are holding. You can also lose control of your bladder. In either of these cases, you must see a physician immediately. You may also feel numbness and loss of strength.
The impact of back pain depends on the individual. Some people can't get off their bed or their couch when they have disc problems. Other people will take painkillers and try to go on with their daily functions for as long as possible. However, the pain is likely to get worse until they consult their physician. A doctor can prescribe painkillers, a course of therapeutic exercise, epidural injections or offer surgery if none of the other options work.
While you may not be able to prevent a problem that occurs as a result of a car accident or a major sports injury, strengthening your core muscles and doing back exercises will help protect you from back problems. Stretching exercises, especially those performed on an exercise ball, are excellent for your lower back.