Protruding Back Disc Treatment
The Facts
Protruding back discs are also known as bulging discs. Protruding discs occur when the inner nucleus of the disc presses against the outer disc wall. The disc wall then bulges out, but stays intact and doesn't leak any of the nucleus material. The disc can either heal on its own or get worse until it ruptures, resulting in a herniated disc. Protruding discs are often the result of poor posture, weak supporting muscles or injuries. In order to diagnose a bulging disc, your doctor will likely perform a physical test on you and gather your medical history before performing various diagnostic tests, such as CT scans, MRI scans and X-rays.
Types of Treatment
If your doctor determines that you have a bulging disc, he will likely recommend plenty of rest as the first step of your treatment. Initially you will be put on bed rest for a short time, slowly working your way up to going back to your normal daily activities. Avoid sitting, as it puts unnecessary stress and pressure on your lumbar spine. Too much rest can actually do more harm than good, so follow your doctor's instructions carefully. Your doctor may also prescribe some anti-inflammatory medication, analgesics and muscle relaxants to help ease your pain a bit.
You can try home remedies for your protruding disc as well, one being hot and cold packs on your back. Stretching, meditating, yoga and walking can all help your condition as well. Ask your doctor before you try any home treatments to see if they will be beneficial for your particular situation. If your condition does not improve, speak to your doctor about the possibility of surgery. Surgery is usually the last resort when it comes to protruding discs, but it often provides the best results.
Surgeries can be performed, each carrying its own risks. Weigh the pros and cons of each type of surgery with your doctor. New, non-invasive techniques are available now and are an excellent option for many people. They carry much less risk than traditional back surgeries, and you should be back on your feet fast. Many who elect to have the non-evasive procedure are encouraged to take a long walk the same day they have the procedure.