Sciatica & Treatment
Sciatic nerve damage can be unbearably painful. In most cases, the pain starts in the low back and continues through the buttocks and down one leg and occasionally into the foot. The pain is mostly described as a shooting pain. Sciatica sufferers may also experience a burning sensation in one leg or numbness and tingling. The leg may also feel very weak. This pain can be felt all at once continuously or only once in a while. The pain may be minimal or it could be severe. Sitting, standing and walking can aggravate the symptoms or make them worse. Sneezing and coughing may also make the pain severe for a brief moment due to the nerve getting pinched by the muscles used in coughing and sneezing.
Many things can cause sciatica damage. The main cause is a disc that is bulged or sticking out of the vertebrae and pressing on the nerve, also known as a herniated disc. Degenerative disc disease is also a common cause of sciatica. Degenerative disc disease is when there is a variation in the function and form of the disc that causes it to age. Tumors and infections on the spine also impact the sciatica as well as pregnancy or a severe accident.
Sciatica damage is normally diagnosed by going to a physician and having a physical exam done as well as a medical history. Sometimes tests may need to be performed in order to figure out the exact causes and location of pain. An MRI, X-ray or CAT scan may be ordered by your physician.
Once diagnosed with sciatica, doctors may encourage bed rest for a period of time so that the inflammation will decrease. He may also recommend a pain reliever that will also help with the inflammation. Although bed rest is beneficial, it is important to move a round a little to keep the blood flowing to the muscles. If bed rest does not help, physical therapy may be needed. In severe cases surgery may be necessary. A microdiscectomy or a lumbar laminectomy may be necessary in order to remove the part of the disc that is attributing to the pain. In most cases, people respond well to the surgery and are pain free instantaneously.
If you experience any of these symptoms, or if they become severe, contact a qualified health care provider immediately.
Avoid any strenuous activities that may increase the severity of the sciatic pain, such as heavy lifting.