Natural Healing of the Sciatic Nerve
Potassium Rich Foods
Eating more foods rich in potassium may help heal your sciatic nerve. Potassium helps neuromuscular functioning, as well as helping us avoid hypertension. Good sources of potassium include apricots, bananas, cantaloupes, nectarines, prunes, raisins, chicken, turkey, fish, potatoes, carrots and tomatoes. Choose fresh and frozen foods over canned to avoid consuming additional unnecessary sodium. If you are concerned that you are not consuming enough potassium, consider taking a potassium supplement. Do not exceed recommended dosage, take supplemental potassium in more than one form, and consult with your doctor if you are on any prescription medications, especially diuretics.
Acupressure can help relieve the pain of sciatica as well as any pressure on the sciatic nerve, allowing it to heal. A number of points can specifically deal with the sciatic nerve along with weakness in the lower back. These points include B23, B47, B48, B54 and CV6. These same points may be used by an acupuncturist. Choose a practitioner trained in acupressure or acupuncture to avoid damage to the sensitive nerves of the back.
Happy Baby Pose
A yoga position called the Happy Baby Pose can help stretch and strengthen the piriformis muscle, which often impinges on the sciatic nerve. This stretch can help bring relief when you are experiencing sciatic nerve pain, and also strengthens the lower back. To perform this pose, lie on your back. Bend your knees in up toward your stomach and chest. If you are not very accomplished at yoga, you can hold this knee-to-chest pose. If you are more flexible, you can continue with the position: Grab your toes and move your knees apart wider than your torso. Bring your knees further down toward the floor if you can.