Scoliosis Technology Treatment
VATS Procedure
A minimally invasive treatment called VATS or Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery is a technology treatment used to treat scoliosis. Several tiny incisions are made on the side of the chest wall. One lung is deflated which helps the surgeon reach the thoracic spine. An endoscope or instrument with a tiny video camera is inserted through one of the incisions and shows the spine on a computer monitor. Small hollow tubes are put into the other incisions. The surgeon watches the video monitor and uses specialized surgical instruments to perform fusion surgery which corrects scoliosis. If your scoliosis is severe then traditional techniques or treatments may be used along with VATS surgery. Many patients can go home in several days but a spine brace has to worn for three months.
SpineCor is a type of brace that supports the spine and relieves pain for adults and children with scoliosis. This is a new technology or concept that works better than the older type braces. The SpineCor helps scoliosis by interacting with corrective movements. This brace has elastic bands that stretch when you move. The band will resist and pull you back into the proper movement so your body doesn't go back into an abnormal position. Your body's neuromuscular pattern will be reprogrammed resulting in stabilization or correction of scoliosis. Optimal results are achieved in 89% of patients. Another benefit of this brace is you can exercise and do most activities when wearing it. Movement is what makes it work unlike a back support brace.
CD Horizon® LEGACY™ Spinal System
A new technology called CD Horizon® LEGACY™ Spinal System and Vertebral Column Manipulation Instrument Set is being used by surgeons to correct scoliosis. Different size rods, hooks, screws, plates, staples and other components are used. This system allows surgeons to maneuver the apical vertebrae of the curve as a single unit. An apical vertebrae occurs at the horizon or tip of the vertebrae of the curve. Rib prominence or rib hump from scoliosis is also corrected with this system. It's important to talk to your surgeon to make sure this procedure is the right one for your particular case. Many people have gone back to work in four weeks or under after this procedure.