How to Relieve Your Back Pain

I've never believed that yoga stretches would relieve my back pain. I thought it would make it worse so, I would just take an aspirin, lay down, and hope for the best. It didn't work!
So, I tried the Yoga stretches, relieved my pain and gave me relaxation.

Yoga stretches definitely help relieve your back pain.

Things You'll Need

  • Yoga mat
  • No mat, floor, carpet, or on the grass.
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      Lay down on a firm surface ( yoga mat, floor, carpet or grass).
      Lay flat with your knees bent and your hands flat beside you.
      Relax, breath in and out through your nose.
      I do it for about 30-45 seconds.

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      Then, tilt your head back a little and hold for a couple of seconds.
      Repeat this exercise 5 times, and of course continue to breath in and out through your nose.

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      Lastly, to help your upper back, roll your shoulders up and down.
      I do it 8-10 good shoulder rolls.
      Doing these yoga stretches and rolls ease my back pain!

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