Medicine for Chronic Back Pain
A persistent stiff or aching back, or sharp, localized pain in the middle to low back are characteristic of chronic low back pain. These symptoms can be made worse by lifting heavy objects, engaging in activities that involve bending or stressing the back, or simply by sitting or standing for long periods. Depending on the cause and type of pain, your doctor may prescribe medication for relief.
Non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can be used to reduce inflammation and alleviate pain. These medications are among the first lines of defense a doctor will try in treating chronic back pain, because most of these problems are associated with swelling and inflammation. Non-prescription brands include ibuprofen, such as Motrin and Advil, and naproxen, sold over the counter as Aleve or Naprosyn. One of the newer prescription NSAID medications for back pain is Celebrex. It also works on inflammation but doesn't cause as much stomach upset as some of the other NSAID medications.
Acetaminophen is also a very popular medication of choice for low back pain because it has very few side effects. However, acetaminophen does not work on swelling and inflammation. The drug works by blocking pain perception in the brain. Acetaminophen is available in non-prescription form as Tylenol and is available in generic versions. There are also prescription forms of acetaminophen, and the drug is sometimes combined with other medications into one pill.
Muscle Relaxants
Muscle relaxants aren't really a class of drugs but rather the name given to a group of different types of drugs that help relax muscles. This type of medication actually works on the brain, not the muscles themselves. They usually are prescribed for acute pain or during the first few days after a back injury. But in some cases, muscle relaxants are given for chronic back pain. These include medications like Flexeril, Valium and carisoprodol (Soma). Most of these medications can cause drowsiness.
Narcotics and Steroids
Narcotics may be used for chronic back pain but are usually used for a short period. This type of medication is highly addictive. You can build up an intolerance to narcotics fairly easily, meaning they become ineffective after awhile. Some commonly prescribed narcotics include hydrocodone (Vicodin), oxycodone (Percocet) and propoxyphene (Darvocet).
Steroids are sometimes used for chronic low back pain, especially when there is swelling. Like narcotics, steroids should be used only for short periods. Extended use of steroids can lead to severe side effects, including weight gain, osteoporosis, ulcers and kidney problems. Steroids like Medrol are given orally, but can be injected as well.
Doctors use many forms of therapy in addition to medication to treat chronic pain associated with the lower back. Resting an injured back is usually recommended, but physical therapy, massage, chiropractics, heat, ice and other therapies may be used with medication to help relieve pain. Your doctor can recommend the best type of pain medicine and course of treatment for your condition.