Old Home Remedies for Backache
Castor and Lavender Oils
Pour a quarter-cup of castor oil and a quarter-cup of lavender oil in a small bowl. Heat the oils so they are warm and not hot. Mix them and have a friend or family member use the oils to give you a massage. The massage itself will help your backache, but the oils will work to relieve the pain of the backache. Work the oils over the back for 20 minutes.
Ice Packs
Ice is one of the cheapest and oldest home remedies for dealing with a backache. Ice does two things for your back. First, it brings down any swelling or inflammation you may have if you injured your back. Second, it numbs the area, stopping the nerves from sending pain signals to the brain. Place ice packs on your back for 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off. If you don't have an ice pack, you can make one out of a plastic zipper bag and some ice cubes.
Willow Bark
Willow bark has been used for a long time to treat back pain. It has anti-inflammatory properties. It also has the ability to act like a natural aspirin and relieve pain. If you have a backache, you might take two capsules with each meal, or three times a day. You can purchase the willow bark at a health store or online.
Warning: Anyone with an ulcer or stomach condition should not take this product without first consulting a doctor.