Exercises That Relieve Back Pain From a Herniated Disk
Back Muscle Stretch
To help your back muscles become more flexible, first lie on the floor on your back. Bend your knees and put your hands below your ribs. Next you will want to tighten your stomach muscles so that you are squeezing your stomach toward your ribs. Continue breathing normally while you complete this exercise--do not hold your breath. Hold this position for a count of five seconds, then release the muscles. Repeat 10 times. Another exercise is to lie on the floor with both knees bent. One at a time, bring one knee to your chest and hug it. Hold it for five seconds then lower your knee to starting position and change knees. A curl is also helpful in back pain relief. Do this exercise by lying on the floor with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Raise both knees toward your chest and put both hands under your knees keeping your head on the floor. Gently pull your legs in close to your chest. Hold it for five seconds then lower your legs, keeping the knees bent. These exercises will help to not only stretch the back muscles but also relieve pain and stress.
Back Strengthening Exercises to Relieve Pain
Strengthening the back muscles will aid in relieving pain that you have. One way to strengthen your back muscles is to do what is called prone press-ups. This exercise requires you to lie on the floor. Place your hands palm-down on the floor just to the sides of your shoulders. Gently push your shoulders, only, off the ground and hold it for 5-10 seconds. You will want to keep your pelvic region in contact with the ground and keep your buttocks and your back as relaxed as you can. Slowly lower your shoulders and torso back to the ground. Make sure you continue to breathe normally during the exercise.
Back Pain Exercises
A wall-slide is just as it sounds--with your feet shoulder-width apart, gently slide down the wall until your knees are bent and you are in a crouching position. Hold this position for five seconds, then gently push yourself back up the wall. A leg raise can also help your lower back pain from disc problems. Lie on your back and gently lift your leg straight off the floor. Hold it for a count of 10, then lower it back to the floor. Keep your arms at your side while doing this exercise. A back leg swing is also a good exercise for the lower back. Stand behind a chair and gently raise one leg at a time behind you. Hold it straight out for a count of ten, lower it, then repeat on the other leg. A knee-to-chest exercise requires you to lie on your back. Gently pull one or both knees to your chest, hug them in, and hold the position for a count of 10. Complete five repetitions of this exercise. Always breathe deep but normally when doing your exercises. If at any time an exercise hurts or feels uncomfortable, stop the exercise and consult with your physician.