The Types of Braces for Scoliosis
Scoliosis affects 2-3% of the population, approximately 9-10 million US citizens. A spine that has scoliosis looks curved from the outline on the back of a person. This can make the person appear to be leaning to one side or bent over. There are three common types of bracing options for scoliosis.
Boston Brace
The first type of brace has been titled the Boston Brace or, in scientific terms, Thoraco-Lumbo-Sacral-Orthosis. This brace is used mainly on children. The brace is molded and fitted to the child's body type. The material of the brace is plastic. The point of this brace is to direct points of pressure along the person's spine and to better align the spine. Velcro straps in the back are pulled to a certain spot in order to secure the brace.
Charleston Bending Brace
The second type of brace is the Charleston Bending brace. This brace differs from the others because it is only worn part-time or during the night. This brace works on over-correcting the curve of the spine. The Charleston brace is recommended for curves of 20-35 degrees.
Milwaukee Brace
The Milwaukee or Cervico-Thoraco-Lumbo-Sacral-Orthosis brace is used for mid-back curves. The Milwaukee brace was the first type of brace constructed in 1945. It is made out of a plastic pelvic piece and a neck ring. The ring and plastic are connected by a metal bar on both sides of the brace. The metal bars are used to stretch the torso. This brace isn't used very often today because of the new and better alternatives.
There are four common curve types associated with scoliosis. The first is thoracic, which means the 90 percent of the curve is on the right side. The lumbar is when 70 percent of the curve is located on the left side. The thoracolumbar is when 80 percent of the curve is on the right side. Finally, the double major is when the curve is located on the right and left side of the back.