Different Types of Back Braces
Lower Back Braces
The Trochanteric back brace is designed to stabilize sacroilliac pain, or lower back problems; such as a fracture. The belt is intended to fit around the pelvic area of the back, and it buckles in the front. Another lower back brace is lumbosacral belt. The lumbosacral belt wraps around the lower back and prevents motion by putting pressure between the hip bone and the sacrum. The sacrum is the bone at the base of the spine.
What is a Corset Back Brace?
A corset brace can be either short, or long. It depends on the need of the patient as to whether the doctor suggests a shorter corset or a longer one. A shorter corset is typically used for lower back problems and pain while the longer one extends into the middle of the back. They are typically meant to give the back strict support, extending down to cover a portion of the buttocks for added support. The buckles are typically metal to give added support.
Rigid Braces
A rigid brace is as it sounds. These are braces that give unrelenting support for the back when no movement is required. There are three main types of rigid braces; the William, the chair back brace and the Raney flexion jacket. These help to eliminate turning of the spine, bending and sideways movements. These braces typically have buckles and straps and even bands that extend over the mid-portion and thoracic region of the back for all the added support needed.
Supportive Braces
Support braces are braces that help distribute pressure and weight across the entire back without allowing one particular area to take the brunt of the weight. They are intended to stabilize the spine from the neck to the thoracic region and are most often made of plastic. A lifting belt is a support that wraps around the thoracic region to support the mid-back for lifting. Most times, straps will criss-cross over the shoulders to give the shoulders support. People who work in a job where lifting is a requirement, may be required to wear one.
Considerations of Back Supports
If you have suffered a back injury, it is important to get your back checked by a physician. Many times, people will assume it is a mild twist or pull of the back when it could be much more involved. Problems with the back may need to be X-rayed, or have an MRI or Cat scan done to see the extent of the injury. Not all back trouble can be taken care of with a back support, and if it can, your doctor should be the one to decide which type of brace would benefit you best.