Herniated Disk Healing
Make Sure To Rest
Although a herniated disc can cause extreme pain and discomfort, the condition generally heals on its own with time and rest. Adults should receive between six to eight hours of rest, while adolescents should receive eight to ten hours a night. In addition, patients suffering from a herniated disc should sleep in a position that does not put additional stress on the spine; therefore, patients should try to sleep on their back to align and lengthen the spine.
Avoid Strenuous Activities
Many patients suffering from a herniated disc experience longer healing times because they continue to perform activities that place stress on the spine. To speed up your recovery time, avoid any physical movement that may put pressure on the back, such as lifting and bending. Patients should also avoid any strenuous physical activity, including running, jogging and jumping. Resting and allowing the back muscles to heal naturally will ultimately ensure a faster recovery time.
Use Cinnamon
Many holistic specialists believe that cinnamon provides relief to patients suffering from a herniated disc, so try to consume products rich in the spice. In addition, cinnamon pastes may provide additional relief and reduce inflammation when applied to the affected area. To make cinnamon paste, combine one tablespoon of cinnamon, one tablespoon of honey and one-quarter cup of rose water. Apply to the back for half an hour before removing with a warm washcloth.
Consider Hot/Cold Compresses
Hot or cold compresses may be used to reduce muscle pain associated with the initial injury to the spinal disc. Cold compresses help to numb aching muscles and reduce swelling while hot compresses help to relax muscles, it is important however to speak with your physician to find out which type of compress is best for your particular injury. Also, compresses will not address the herniated disc itself.